Opstead Baptist Church ...................... 9:30 AM Sunday School
Isle, Minn. 56342..................................10:15 AM Coffee fellowship
Phone 320-676-8859.............................10:30 AM Worship Service
Opstead Web Site................................www.opsteadbaptist.com
Perry Johnson......................................Pastor
Stan Miller.......................................... Vice Chairman
Sunday, October 1, 2006
Welcome to Opstead Baptist Praise the Lord, for the Lord is Good!
Organ - Elaine Elg..............................Piano – Peggy Miller
Church Life and Ministry
Call to Worship.................................... Psalm 148:1-5
Hymn No. 67........................................Fairest Lord Jesus
Hymn No. 252.........................O Soul Are You Weary and Troubled
Greet One Another
Worship in Song
Worship in Giving
Prayer and Praise
Children dismissed for Children’s Church
Message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hymn No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Benediction Postlude
We welcome each one of you to our service this morning. If you are a visitor, please fill out a guest card and drop it in the offering plate. There is a nursery room available in the back of the sanctuary for infants and a staffed nursery for infants through preschoolers downstairs.
MISSIONARIES OF THE WEEK: Pray for Brian & Brooke as they are making plans to go to the Philippines, hopefully next summer. Pray are they work to get a support team standing behind them in prayer and finances.
Julie, Chris, & Andy
*Pray that Lexie Lancrain’s broken arm will heal well.
*Pray for Mary’s mom. She is still in the hospital with pneumonia but is
doing better each day.
*Praise for Anna, her knee replacement went well, she should be home today.
*Pray for Mary Virnig, as she continues with chemotherapy.
*Praise for a Great Goal Post Party. Many kids came and God is working in
Young Peoples lives.
*Pray for each of the young people who will be going to Trout Lake
Oct. 20-22, that God would speak to each of their hearts. There are 67
planning to go!!
*Pray for Pastor Oleg and Natasha, Natasha is teaching English two
days a week in the public school.
TODAY, Nursery: Tara NEXT WEEK: Sue & Lisa A.
TODAY, Greeters: Delphia Cooper NEXT WEEK: Bob & Jean
TODAY, Jr. Church: Sarah NEXT WEEK: Terri
TUES. 7p.m. Young adults meet at Cody and Tara’s
WED., 7p.m., Wednesday Night Fellowship, Singing, Prayer, Youth meet,
We will continue with the “Love and Respect” marriage/interpersonal
relationship DVD series. Plan to attend this enjoyable and helpful
seminar. Singles and married couples are encouraged to come.
Oct 12, XYZ
Oct 14, Men’s Prayer Breakfast at 7 am followed by the Church Woodbee.
Oct. 15, David Berry will be here to speak for Morning Worship.
Oct. 15, Potluck Dinner followed by the Quarterly Business Meeting.
Oct. 20-22, Youth Retreat at Trout Lake, see Ronni or Sarah if you are
interested in going.
Nov. 12, Potluck Dinner followed by the Ukraine Auction, if you have
Items for the auction, please let Maewyn know.
Nov. 21, Save the Date for the Community Thanksgiving Service here
at Opstead, 7p.m. Plan to come and enjoy this evening of Praise
followed by a time of fellowship.
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Financial Report:,Weekly expenses $1400, 9/24 $
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Pastor Perry & Mary will be going on vacation to California to be with Kevin & Renee J from Oct. 2-9. For any emergencies please call Stan at 676-3301.
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A BIG THANKYOU to Cody for getting the new sound system all connected up and working so well.